Username First Name Last Name E-mail Address Password Confirm PasswordMobile Number Landline Phone Number (if any) Please let us know how you feel about meeting in the following ways for support, education, or social get-togethers we might hold. Choose the best answer for each of the types of meetings below.Telephone (audio only)I LOVE this optionI'm okay with this optionI'd rather not, but canI really don't like this optionThis option is not possible for meVideo Conference (requires smart phone or computer)I LOVE this optionI'm okay with this optionI'd rather not, but canI really don't like this optionThis option is not possible for meChat Room (typing on a web page) (requires smart phone or computer)I LOVE this optionI'm okay with this optionI'd rather not, but canI really don't like this optionThis option is not possible for meIn Person MeetingI LOVE this optionI'm okay with this optionI'd rather not, but canI really don't like this optionThis option is not possible for meWhat are the most important things you'd like to see us offer to you?I live in the Connecticut areaYesNoI am a nomad (travel many weeks a year or more)YesNo Only fill in if you are not human Login