Another reason to join us on Discord. . . In order to support a recently diagnosed member some of us are going to buy and then read/discuss Jim Phelps, M.D.’s recent book on mood disorders, Bipolar, Not So Much. This will be a read-at-your-own-pace discussion where you can pop into the channel when convenient, read what others have said and add your own comments. If people want to we can have some discussions by voice or video about parts of it. If you’re not on Discord yet, we’ll help you get in — and it’s easy to use. We’ll begin the discussion Saturday, November 7, to give people time to borrow or buy the book. It’s available in hardcover and kindle formats, and possibly other e-book versions.   

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Click here to see the book listing on Amazon (feel free to borrow it from a library, etc., too)

Here’s the book description:

Book Description: “Depression confuses the mind, strips away hope, and causes people to blame themselves for an illness they never asked for. This book presents a revolutionary new understanding of the concept of depression and offers readers skills and strategies to manage it. No longer is this a one-size-fits-all diagnosis, and antidepressants are no longer the one-size-fits-all treatment. Mood disorders are now seen to form a spectrum of problems, from common depression on one end to full bipolar disorder on the other. In between these extremes are multitudes of people who are on the middle of the mood spectrum, and this book is for them. The first part of the book helps readers answer the question, “Where am I on the mood spectrum?” By laying the foundation for understanding this spectrum, Aiken and Phelps highlight the key distinctions that define unipolarity, bipolarity, hypomania, mania, and depression. Readers will be able to discern which definition best fits their experience, and use this understanding to learn which treatment methods will work best. The authors also empower readers to look beyond antidepressants. They walk readers through new medications for the mood spectrum, and offer a guide to non-medication treatments that anyone can use on their own, from diet and lifestyle changes to natural supplements. The book also discusses other innovative technologies that can aid in recovery, including dawn simulators, mood apps, and blue-light filters. This thoughtful and beneficial book will offer readers skills and strategies, as well as hope, in the face of debilitating mental challenges.”